
Today’s world is concentrating to set the new developments in radar to face the security challenges in defence. The present research in the area of radar and coding theory has introduced a better detection probability of target in terms of its distance and location. But most of the present art of work is focusing less towards the detection of multiple moving targets using Doppler radar. However, the existing approaches tried to increase the merit factor and range resolution of the echoes from a stationary target. As such methods are failed to find out the target when they are in multiple and due to which the amplitude of the side spikes (noise) is much more with respect to the maximum detectable limit. As these side spikes due to multiple moving targets mask, the weak received signal (echoes) from the targets may lead to degrade the detection probability. This proposed approach provides clear information about the target with respect to Doppler by creating several pure windows at various Doppler’s with respect to range. The amplitude of all windows is below 85–90 dB down, so all moving targets can be easily detected. The proposed approach is validating the use of MATLAB.KeywordsQuad codeMultiple windowsCyclic redundancy techniqueMerit factorDopplerMATLABSide spikes

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