
The epidemic of yellow fever in the southern states has diverted attention for a time from that and other diseases on the Isthmus of Panama and from the activities of the sanitary department of the Canal Zone Government. The report of Colonel Gorgas for July was very encouraging, for, with the exception of yellow fever, there were no quarantinable diseases, which include smallpox and plague, with both of which the isthmus is more or less constantly menaced. Of yellow fever there were but 42 cases in a total population of a little over 52,000, including the cities of Colon and Panama, and of these but 21 developed among the nearly 11,000 employes within the zone. There were but 5 deaths from yellow fever during July—just one-half the smallest, one-fifth the average and one-tenth the largest July yellow fever death rate under the French. The August report1 shows that the yellow

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