
INTRODUCTION: Hypothermia, defined as a decrease in core body temperature below 36°C, has a notable influence on hemodynamic variables during anesthesia, which is of great interest in perioperative medicine. Temperature regulation is crucial in anesthetic management because hypothermia can significantly impact the patient's cardiovascular functioning. Accidental (uncontrolled) hypothermia during anesthetic and surgical procedures carries considerable risks such as: Increases the incidence of surgical site infections, prolongs the effects of drugs administered during anesthesia, and disrupts normal coagulation, potentially increasing the risk of bleeding. For these reasons, body temperature regulation is a critical aspect to monitor and control during anesthesia. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A descriptive, observational, single-center, and retrospective study was carried out in patients undergoing a related living donor kidney transplant between June 2022-2023 at the Juarez Hospital in Mexico. All data were collected from the demographic sheets, laboratories and trans anesthetic sheets of the patient's file. The data was integrated into an Excel database and statistical processing was performed in SPSS or STATSm software. The statistical analysis was tested for normality according to Kolmogorov-Smirnov with Lilliefors correction, where it was found that the population has a normal or non-normal distribution. The Mann-Whitney U test was performed to compare the difference of the means between the two groups. A correlation was made with Kendall´s Tau coefficient; All statistical analyzes were performed with a value of p<0.05, considering these significantly. RESULTS: Of the 65 transplanted patients between Jun 2023 and June 2024 only 28 have appropriate inclusion criteria. Of the remaining 28, 16 were female (57.14%) and 12 were male (42.8%) with an average age of recipients of 30.2430.46 ±11.45 years with a weight of 58.23 ±10.47 kg, height 154.20 ±15.32 cm. Gasometrical and Hemodynamic Values upon Reperfusion with a Forced Air Turbine. The gasometrical variables before reperfusion were: Venous pH 7.41±0.05 (p=0.046); Arterial pH 7.40±0.04 (p=0.015); Venous Oxygen Saturation 68.2±9.74% (p = 0.039). Hemodynamic variables before reperfusion were: IC 3.67±1.77 lt/min/m2 (p=0.001); Stroke Volume 79.5±39.6 ml/beat (p=0.022), Oxygen Extraction 25.1±9.95% (p=0.001) and Myocardial Efficiency 0.28±0.06 (p=0.024); The gasometrical variables after reperfusion were: Venous pH 7.40±0.03; Arterial pH 7.380±0.04; Venous Oxygen Saturation 60.03±4.37%; The hemodynamic variables after reperfusion were: IC 2.88±0.48 liter/min/m2; Stroke Volume 65.4±16.01 ml/beat; Oxygen Extraction Rate 36.9±4.31% (p = 0.039) and Myocardial Efficiency 0.32±0.06 Gasometrical and Hemodynamic Values upon Reperfusion without Forced Air Turbine. The gasometrical variables before reperfusion were: Venous pH 7.32±0.04 (p=0.012); Arterial pH 7.30±0.04 (p=0.019); Venous Oxygen Saturation 64.7±8.27% (p = 0.026). Hemodynamic variables before reperfusion were Cardiac Index 3.28±1.66 lt/min/m2 (p=0.006); Stroke Volume 72.39±45.44 ml/beat (p=0.029); Oxygen Extraction 29.11±9.65% (p=0.001) and Myocardial Efficiency 0.268±0.08 (p=0.022). The gasometrical variables after reperfusion were: Venous pH 7.33±0.04; Arterial pH 7.320±0.05; Venous Oxygen Saturation 58.593±5.41%. The hemodynamic variables after reperfusion were: Cardiac Index 2.75±0.69 liter/min/m2, Stroke Volume 59.05±18.81 ml/beat, Oxygen Extraction Rate 38.47±6.17% and Myocardial Efficiency 0.31±0.05. CONCLUSIONS: Understanding the behavior of blood gas and hemodynamic variables upon reperfusion in transplant patients is essential for adequate kidney graft survival. In these patients, the use of a hot forced air turbine improves the conditions under which said reperfusion is performed, impacting not only at the blood gas level (venous pH, arterial pH and venous oxygen saturation) but also at the hemodynamic level (cardiac index, stroke volume, myocardial efficiency The limitations of the study are heterogeneity of the etiologies of CKD, sample size, and volume status prior to the procedure. To date the published works are consistent with the literature.

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