
For the first time, the influence of the injection solution composition on the quality of LC-MS-MS methods, in terms of column efficiency and peak shape, was systematically investigated. Various types of compounds, including polar ionic acidic, polar ionic basic and non-polar neutral compounds, were prepared in different solutions ranging from 100% water to 100% acetonitrile. Different volumes of these solutions were injected onto either C18 or silica columns connected to tandem mass spectrometry. The mobile phases consisted of acetonitrile, water, and small amounts of volatile acid or buffer. On silica columns, the influence of injection solution on the peak shape and column efficiency was straightforward. The sharpest peaks and the highest column efficiency were obtained with 100% acetonitrile as the injection solvent. On C18 columns, this type of influence was less clear due to the dual retention mechanism of the bonded phase and of the residual silanol groups. On C18 column, retention due to residual silanol groups was significant even with a mobile phase containing less than 50% acetonitrile. Poor peak shape was observed when the injection solution had a stronger eluting strength than mobile phase, particularly for early eluting peaks.

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