
AbstractThe superposition of a rigid body mode on a body should result in a corresponding change in displacement values but should not affect the stresses. However, in the numerical solution by the boundary element method (BEM) large errors may be obtained for displacements and stresses if a rigid body mode is present in the input data. To eliminate the effects of the rigid body mode on the numerical accuracy of the solution, the fundamental solutions for displacements must be correctly interpreted and used. The rigid body mode may be unknowingly present in the boundary condition data. It may be present because the boundary data are not known accurately. Or it may be present if the displacement values at the support have been computed from a separate analysis. A rigid body mode may arise due to the collocation nature of satisfying the boundary conditions. The point values of the applied load at the collocation point may not satisfy equilibrium. Or the point values of the specified displacements may not satisfy the condition of zero translation and rotation. For bodies under pure traction, we know that the analytical solution can contain an arbitrary amount of rigid body mode. Numerically, however, some unknown value is assigned to this rigid body mode. It might be desirable (for example in limit analysis) to eliminate the rigid body mode from the displacements to obtain deformation of a point with respect to a point on the body. In addition, knowledge and elimination of the rigid body mode is necessary for the implementation of a scheme described by this author in an earlier work. The importance of the earlier work is that it reduced the sensitivity of the BEM to changes and errors in the input data. In this paper the causes, and the effects of the rigid body mode on the BEM, the correct interpretation of the fundamental solution for displacements and an algorithm for determining and accounting for the rigid body mode are discussed. A numerical example validates the ideas in this paper for the indirect version. The algorithm for the direct version is presented without a numerical example in the Appendices.

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