
Consequences of new quantum spin perspective in quantum gravity are far-reaching. Results of this novel perspective in loop quantum gravity, i.e., the modification of the equation of geometrical operators such as the area and the volume operator are known. Using newly proposed formula from this perspective, the magnitude of fundamental constants such as the reduced Planck constant ℏ, the gravitational constant G, the speed of light c, the Boltzmann constant kβ , the fine structure constant α, can be validated. With the aid of this perspective, we find new formulas for the fundamental Planckian quantities and the derived Planckian quantities. We also propose novel formulas for the Planck star such as the size, the curvature, the surface area and the size of black hole (for the Planck star) without modifying its significance. The relation of the quantum spin with the Planck temperature TP (TP ∝ n2 ), the Planck mass mP (mP ∝ n2 ), the Planck length l P (l P ∝ n) are also proposed using this novel perspective.

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