
The thermal structure of the environmental atmosphere associated with Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes (TGFs) is investigated with the combined observations from several detectors (FERMI, RHESSI, and Insight-HXMT) and GNSS-RO (SAC-C, COSMIC, GRACE, TerraSAR-X, and MetOp-A). The geographic distributions of TGF-related tropopause altitude and climatology are similar. The regional TGF-related tropopause altitude in Africa and the Caribbean Sea is 0.1–0.4 km lower than the climatology, whereas that in Asia is 0.1–0.2 km higher. Most of the TGF-related tropopause altitudes are slightly higher than the climatology, while some of them have a slightly negative bias. The subtropical TGF-producing thunderstorms are warmer in the troposphere and have a colder and higher tropopause over land than the ocean. There is no significant land–ocean difference in the thermal structure for the tropical TGF-producing thunderstorms. The TGF-producing thunderstorms have a cold anomaly in the middle and upper troposphere and have stronger anomalies than the deep convection found in previous studies.


  • The Global Navigation Satellite System–Radio Occultation (GNSS–RO) technique provides global-scale high-resolution (≤0.1 km) accurate temperature profiles under all weather conditions [26], which is ideal for the studies of tropopause and thermal structure associated with TGFproducing thunderstorms

  • We use the instantaneous observations from various Terrestrial Gammaray Flashes (TGFs) detectors (FERMI Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM), RHESSI, and Insight-HXMT) and GNSS-RO (SAC-C, COSMIC, GRACE, TerraSAR-X, and MetOp-A) to improve our understanding on the thermal structure associated with the production of TGFs

  • The regional tropopause altitudes over the Asian Monsoon are

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Since the tropopause imposes a constraint on the vertical development of convection in thunderstorms [21], the authors of [22] found that TGFs are usually associated with a relatively high tropopause using the climatology monthly NCEP/NCAR reanalysis of tropopause altitudes for the TGF observations of the Reuven Ramaty High Energy. The GNSS–RO technique provides global-scale high-resolution (≤0.1 km) accurate (with error less than 1 ◦ C) temperature profiles under all weather conditions [26], which is ideal for the studies of tropopause and thermal structure associated with TGFproducing thunderstorms. To evaluate the relationship between atmospheric thermal structure and TGF genesis on a global scale, we will address the following questions in this paper: Is the tropopause associated with TGFs substantially higher than the climatology?

Data and Methodology
TGF-Related Tropopause Altitude
Thermal Structure of TGF-Producing Thunderstorms
Discussions and Conclusions
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