
We present a pair natural orbital (PNO)-based implementation of CC3 excitation energies, which extends our previously published state-specific PNO ansatz for the solution of the excited state eigenvalue problem to methods including connected triple excitations. A thorough analysis of the equations for the excited state triples amplitudes is presented from which we derive a suitable state-specific triple natural orbital basis for the excited state triples amplitudes, which performs equally well for local and non-local excitations. The accuracy of the implementation is evaluated using a large and diverse test set. We find that for states with small contributions from double excitations, a T0 approximation to PNO-CC3 yields accurate results with a mean absolute error (MAE) for TPNO = 10-7 in the range of 0.02 eV. However, for states with larger double excitation contributions, the T0 approximation is found to yield significantly less accurate results, while the Laplace-transformed variant of PNO-CC3 shows a uniform accuracy for singly and doubly excited states (MAE and maximum error of 0.01 eV and 0.07 eV for TPNO = 10-7, respectively). Finally, we apply PNO-CC3 to the calculation of the first excited state of berenil at a S1 minimum geometry, which is shown to be close to a conical intersection. This calculation in the aug-cc-pVTZ basis set (more than 1300 basis functions) is the largest calculation ever performed with CC3 on excitation energies.

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