
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the corporate social responsibility towards the environment and the communities where the company runs its business activities. CSR activities was undertaken to realize the benefit for the community, not only to meet legal obligations but also to be able to provide the value of empowerment or improving quality of life. This review article about I mplementation Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) PT. L afarge C ement Indonesia in C ommunity E mpowerment Lhoknga-Leupung in R eviews Maṣlaḥah. The results showed that PT. LCI has been conducting CSR activities in several programs namely education programs, economic development, socio-religious and health sector. As for the conformity with the concept Maṣlaḥah, researchers use the modification of the CSR pyramid Carrol and the Pyramid Maṣlaḥah. When viewed in terms of the program and achievement objectives are appropriate, but not yet in accordance with the concept Maṣlaḥah, by advancing the Al-Ḍharuriyyah, then continued with al-Ḥajjiyyah and lastly is Al-Tahṣiniyyah. Similarly, if assessed in terms of the implementation of the program, there are still problems such as less targeted, lack of transparency in the reporting of CSR programs and there is an element of RIBA in the development of economic expansion. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the corporate social responsibility of the environment and the community where the company conducts its business activities. PT. LCI as a foreign company that conducts business activities in ACEH precisely in Lhoknga has been running CSR activities since the year 2009. CSR activities are done to create the benefits for the community, not only to fulfill the legal obligation, but with the CSR program is able to provide the value of empowerment or improvement of the quality of life of society. This article is about the implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) PT. Lafarge Cement Indonesia in empowering the community Lhoknga-Leupung in the review Maṣlaḥah. Keywords : CSR, C ommunity E mpowerment , Maṣlaḥah, PT. LCI


  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the corporate social responsibility towards the environment and the communities where the company runs its business activities

  • CSR activities was undertaken to realize the benefit for the community, to meet legal obligations and to be able to provide the value of empowerment or improving quality of life

  • As for the conformity with the concept Maṣlaḥah, researchers use the modification of the CSR pyramid Carrol and the Pyramid Maṣlaḥah

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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the corporate social responsibility towards the environment and the communities where the company runs its business activities. LCI terus konsisten menjalankan kegiatan CSR, dengan menjawab kebutuhan masyarakat lokal yang direalisasikan pada tahun 2009 dalam empat program unggulan perusahaan yaitu bidang pendidikan, pengembangan ekonomi masyarakat, kesehatan dan pengembangan sosial keagamaan. Definisi lain menyatakan bahwa CSR adalah komitmen perusahaan atau dunia bisnis untuk berkontribusi dalam pengembangan ekonomi yang berkelanjutan dengan memperhatikan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan dan menitikberatkan pada keseimbangan antara perhatian terhadap aspek ekonomi, sosial dan lingkungan.(Hendrik Budi Untung, 2009: 1).

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