
School performance, psychological and social well-beings are the most challengeable tasks intaking care of adolescents. Well-being means positive relationships with others, personalmastery, autonomy, a feeling of purpose and meaning in life, and personal growth anddevelopment. School Counselors are usually working on improving the students' well-beingpsychologically and socially. The most common problems of teenagers are intimaterelationships with opposite sex, disobeyed behaviors, neglecting home works. Despite theseevidences, the role of school counselors still not well defined by the Government, thecounselors are not well prepared during college studying years and after graduation, thenumber of counselors does not meet the students' needs, and sometimes they face obstaclesdoing their work by school administration. According to 20 counselors from different schoolsin Kalar, counselors are in need of continuous training courses, defining their roles by theGovernment and Ministry of Education, and providing them with their needs and rights suchas having a room to meet students, giving them the chance to practice counseling

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