
Analysis of hydraulics and sediment transport interactions with river training works and flood control projects is one of the challenging aspects of engineering disciplines. In the course of systematic studies for integrated river training, flood control and zoning master plan preparation for Shahroud river located in the northern part of Iran, the hydraulics of flow and sediment transport phenomena were analyzed. In order to obtain accurate and reliable results and considering complexity of the river system latest version of Hecโ€Ras, Hecโ€GeoRas and Hecโ€6 packages were used for computational purposes. A thorough analysis of system response for a range of design floods with return periods from 2 to 1000 years showed that nearly 80 km of the river requires training, both main channel stabilization and flood control works implementation. To fulfill the training targets a combination of structural measures such as sills, revetments, flood walls, levees and vegetation covers were suggested along with watershed management activities and environmental considerations on the basin.

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