
In 2020, the World Health Organization decreed a state of pandemic caused by the “new coronavirus”, Covid-19, leading to a scenario of social isolation worldwide, drastically changing the routine of human beings and, consequently, of their companion animals. In this context, the following literature review aims to carry out a compilation of research results promoted worldwide, bringing together data from several studies on the impacts caused by the coronavirus pandemic on animal well-being and behavior. In this way, it was possible to conclude that the biggest complication caused during this period was the hyper attachment and excessive dependence of the companion animals with their tutors, triggering several behavioral disorders, such as the Separation Anxiety Syndrome, especially after the normal return of the activities of the human daily life. In addition, some negative repercussions of the closeness of the human-animal relationship during this period was the significant increase in dog aggression attacks, especially against children, related to the reduction of walks and moments of rest and disconnection of the animals. Studies have also made it possible to identify risk factors related to confinement, such as less socialization and difficult access to veterinary services. Thus, it can be concluded that the mental health status of tutors has clear effects on the behavior and well-being of companion animals.

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