
The aim of this retrospective study was to assess the impact of a medical indoor environment counselor (MIEC) on the allergic child's indoor home environment, as well as the real-life experience of patients' families. We enrolled 50 children (age, 4-18 years) with allergic respiratory illness (96 % asthmatics) from March 2011 to January 2012. During the first visit, the CMEI gave advice according to the results of the assessment. Home environmental exposures were assessed 6 months later. A satisfaction questionnaire was completed by the parents. We found a significant decrease in the presence of house dust mites (P = 0.0047), humidity, and molds (P = 0.0047) as well as volatile organic compounds (P = 0.0047). Smoking habits were not significantly changed (P = 0.083), nor was the presence of domestic pets (P = 0.3173). Over 74 % of the families were very satisfied with the CMEI's intervention. According to de Blay's study, a home visit by the MEIC increased compliance with mite reduction. The intervention to advise parents of asthmatic children on the risks of passive smoking was ineffective in reducing their children's exposure to environmental tobacco smoke. The advice given by the MEIC was better understood by the patients than that expressed by the medical teams. A targeted home-based environmental intervention increased the compliance to mite, humidity, and mold reduction. The role of the CMEI will undoubtedly develop: follow-up studies are necessary to justify their activity (cost-efficacy ratio of their intervention).

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