
In this study, the impact of ultraviolet radiation is studied on thermal protective performance and clothing comfort properties of firefighter protective clothing. Firefighter clothing assembly consists of the outer shell, moisture barrier and thermal barrier. In this research, two different outer shells were utilized. Outer shell O1 consists of inherently fire- retardant fibres mainly consisting of Conex (Nomex) and firefighter assembly having Conex as the outer shell was called specimen A. On the other hand, clothing arrangement which employed Proban coated outer layer (O2) was termed as specimen B. Both specimens were evaluated for tensile testing, air permeability, radiant heat transmission machine, bending moment and water vapour resistance before and after exposure to ultraviolet radiation. The tensile strength value of outer shell O2 was higher than that of O1 before and after exposure to UV radiation. Tensile strength values of both outer shells O1 and O2 decline after exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Air permeability values of both outer shell O1 and O2 increase after being exposed to ultraviolet radiation. It was noted that specimen A has better thermal protective performance as compared to specimen B, before and after exposure to UV radiation. Also, radiant heat transmission index RHTI 24 values were greater for specimen A as compared to specimen B, before and after exposure to UV radiation. Moreover, bending moment values for both outer shell O1 and O2 decline after being subjected to UV radiation. Furthermore, Water vapour resistance values of outer shell O1 and outer shell O2 enhance after exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

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