
The study was carried out to investigate the spatial effects of industrial effluents on physicochemicalproperties of soil around the textile industrial area of Pali. The analysis of soil becamean apparent need for best agriculture practices. Textile industries discharge plenty of pollutantsthat get mixed up with water bodies. These effluents contain largely alkalis, residual dyes,soluble salts, organic carbons, oils and heavy metals etc. These water bodies are basicallythe parts of Bandi River. The soil sites near to the end points or nearby points of this riverbecame polluted due to mixing of industrial effluents coming from textile industries locatednearby this river. When same wastewater is used for irrigation it adversely affects the soilproperties. Disposal of industrial waste is the major problem responsible for soil pollution. Thephysicochemical analysis of soil was done for one year and present reveals that pH was foundmore than standard levels and other parameters was found in higher concentration. Thus thereis need for treatment of textile effluent before they are discharged into the environment.

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