
Effects of picolinic acid (2-pyridinecarboxylic acid) and chromium(III) picolinate was studied on the chromium (Cr) accumulation of fodder radish (Raphanus sativus L. convar. oleiformis Pers., cv. Leveles olajretek) and komatsuna (Brassica campestris L. subsp. napus f. et Thoms. var. komatsuna Makino, cv. Kuromaru ) grown in a pot experiment. Control cultures, grown in an uncontaminated soil (UCS; humous sand with pHKCl 7.48, sand texture with 12.4% clay+silt content, organic carbon 0.56%, CaCO3 2.2%, CEC 6.2 cmolc kg−1, Cr 10.6 mg kg−1), accumulated low amounts of chromium (less than 5.4 μg g−1) in their roots or shoots. When this UCS was artificially contaminated with 100 mg kg−1 Cr (CrCl3) later picolinic acid treatment promoted the translocation of chromium into the shoots of both species. In fodder radish shoots Cr concentration reached 30.4 μg g−1 and in komatsuna shoots 44.5 μg g−1. Application of ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid (EDTA) to this Cr contaminated soil had similar effect to picolinic acid. When the UCS was amended with leather factory sewage sediment (which resulted in 853 mg kg−1 Cr in soil), Cr mobilization was observed only after repeated soil picolinic acid applications. From a galvanic mud contaminated soil (brown forest soil with pHKCl 6.77, loamy sand texture with 26.6% clay+silt content, organic carbon 1.23%, CaCO3 0.7%, CEC 24.5 cmolc kg−1, Cd 5.0 mg kg−1, Cr 135 mg kg−1, and Zn 360 mg kg−1) the rate of Cr mobilization was negligible, only a slight increase was observed in Cr concentration of fodder radish shoots after repeated picolinic acid treatments of soil. Presumably picolinic acid forms a water soluble complex (chromium(III) picolinate) with Cr in the soil, which promotes translocation of this element (and also Cu) into the shoots of plants. The rate of complex formation may be related to the binding forms and/or concentration of Cr in soil and also to soil characteristics (i.e. pH, CEC), since the rate of Cr translocation was the following: artificially contaminated soil > leather factory sewage sediment amended soil > galvanic mud contaminated soil. Four times repeated 10 mg kg−1 chromium(III) picolinate application to UCS multiplied the transport of chromium to shoots, as compared to single 10 mg kg−1 CrCl3 treatment. This also suggests that chromium(III) picolinate is forming in the picolinic acid treated Cr-contaminated soils, and plants more readily accumulates and translocates organically bound Cr than ionic Cr. Picolinic acid promotes Cr translocation in soil-plant system. This could be useful in phytoextraction (phytoremediation) of Cr contaminated soils or in the production of Cr enriched foodstuffs.

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