
ABSTRACTThe productivity levels of two arenosol (Ar40) and fluvisol (FL40) fields that had been cultivated for over 40 years were compared to that of fields with the same soils located nearby but never previously cultivated, i.e. Ar0 and FL0, respectively. Application of poultry manure (PM) and sewage sludge (SS) were compared to a mineral fertilizer (T100), corresponding to 100 kg/ha of nitrogen, over three lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) crop cycles. PM and SS were applied at 50 and 150 kg/ha nitrogen equivalent fertilizer doses. Biomass production levels in the organic and mineral treatments were similar, except for the SS-50 for FL0 and the PM-150 for Ar40, FL40 and FL0. Biomass production levels of Ar40 were higher than those of Ar0 for the first cycle. In the initial state, the soil P content in Ar40 was higher than that of the Ar0 soil. With the treatment repetition, Ar0 showed the same production level as Ar40. For the fluvisols, biomass production levels of FL40 were lower than those of FL0 for the first cycle. Indeed, the initial nitrate content in FL40 was lower than in FL0. The biomass production levels of FL40 were higher than those of FL0 for the following cycles.

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