
Marijuana (MJ) is a widely used substance that has been shown to impair cognition in laboratory settings. There is a growing number of medical MJ dispensaries and state policies permitting the use of MJ in the United States. This study is a naturalistic study that explores the association of same day MJ use on self-rated cognition in young adult men and women. Forty-eight (n = 48) young adults (22 F; mean age = 22.3) participated. After a baseline assessment, participants made daily phone calls to study staff over the next 3 weeks. Cumulative minutes of MJ use in the last 24-hours were assessed. Demographic information collected and self-ratings of cognitive impairment were assessed using six questions about areas of difficulty thinking each day. There was a significant relationship between greater number of minutes of MJ use and higher levels of self-rated cognitive difficulties (b = .004; SE = .001; p < .006). There was no main effect of gender (b = 1.0; SE = .81; p < .22). Planned evaluation of the interaction between gender and minutes of MJ use was not significant statistically, suggesting a similar relationship between minutes of MJ use and cognitive difficulties among women compared to men (p < .54). There is an association between current and heavy MJ use and self-perceived cognitive ability in both males and females. These findings reveal important information regarding one consequence of MJ use that has real-world meaning to young adult smokers. (Am J Addict 2015;24:160-165).

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