
There is an increasing interest in using Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs) in emerging applications where the detectors have to operate in ambient environment with high sensitivity and fast timing response in combination with narrow bandwidth light emitting sources like LEDs or VCSELs. The need to use large area detectors for optimizing the light collection efficiency, due to the low optical fluxes to be usually detected, imposes the optimization of the SiPM performance in specific wavelength ranges (usually visible or near infrared), to fully exploit the single photon sensitivity of these detectors and not to reduce at the same time their dynamic range. The use of proper optical long-pass filters on the detector's package can represent a suitable way to reach both these targets, through the reduction of environmental light absorption. Here we present the preliminary results obtained from the characterization of n+-p SiPMs with commercial long-pass filters with increasing cut-on wavelength in the range 500 nm–900 nm glued on the top side of the detector's package. The performance of the detectors has been evaluated in terms of dark current variation induced by the use of the filters and background light rejection under the illumination of white fluorescent lamps. The relevant reduction observed in the dark current (up to 90% at 13 V overvoltage) and the consistent reduction of stray light absorption (up to 90% at 3 V overvoltage with a 900 nm cut-on wavelength long-pass filter) are the main characterization results obtained and shown in this paper.

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