
Understanding the temporal and spatial variability of soil moisture is fundamentalfor improving the management of water and soil resources on rainfed agrosystems.The present study focused on the soil moisture (SM) patterns observed in a hillyrainfed agrosystem. We analyzed five datasets from measurement at 15 sites duringvarious crop growth cycles under the common cereals/legumes/pasture croppingsystems within the Kamech catchment in Tunisia. Results indicated a strongseasonality in the precipitation and evapotranspiration dynamics that stronglyinfluences soil moisture patterns, with a strong reduction in the water availabilityduring summer (average SM = 0.20 m3/m3) as compared to winter (average SM =0.40 m3/m3). The data of two consecutive years showed that the spatial variability,expressed through the coefficient of variation of soil moisture, was at its highestpoint during spring. The averaged soil moisture of the two years yielded areasonable significant linear relation (R²=0.67**), indicating temporal stability ofthe spatial pattern. Actual evapotranspiration was found to be the predominantfactor influencing the dynamics of soil moisture.

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