
Normative instruction no 62 brought new standards to be followed by producers, proceeding to continue the improvement of milk quality in progress since Normative instruction no 51. However quality improvement of milk did not occur as fast as expected. The aim of this work was to evaluate the impact of good practices on milk quality in 49 dairy farms located in Ivaipora/PR, through collective lectures and training courses. A reduction of 88,05% in Total Bacterial Count (TBC) in 28 (57,15%) dairy farms that implemented the good practices was observed. From those farms, 23 (47,93%) presented TBC bellow maximum of 750.000 CFU/mL as required by legislation at the period of analysis, with average counts of 166.826,1 CFU/mL. As for Somatic Cell Counts (SCC), 83,57% of all farms began to produce milk according with the standard set to this item at the time of analysis. Significant variations were not observed in physico-chemical parameters of milk after practices implementation. Implementation of the proposed practices was sufficient to produce milk according with standards established by legislation.


  • Normative instruction n° 62 brought new standards to be followed by producers, proceeding to continue the improvement of milk quality in progress since Normative instruction n° 51

  • The aim of this work was to evaluate the impact of good practices on milk quality in 49 dairy farms located in Ivaiporã/PR, through collective lectures and training courses

  • As for Somatic Cell Counts (SCC), 83,57% of all farms began to produce milk according with the standard set to this item at the time of analysis

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A partir da Instrução Normativa no 51 (IN51) (BRASIL, 2002) a preocupação com a produção leiteira de qualidade aumentou muito, assim como a produção técnica sobre o assunto, já que essa legislação trouxe novos parâmetros a serem respeitados pelos produtores com a intenção de melhorar a qualidade. Esta legislação foi precursora da recém publicada Instrução Normativa no 62 (IN62) (BRASIL, 2011), que trouxe padrões ainda mais rígidos para a produção de leite, com metas a serem atingidas até 2017. Um grande número de pequenas propriedades ainda produzem leite de baixa qualidade, como o encontrado por Beloti et al (2011) no município de Sapopema, Paraná, onde 61 (37,42%) de um total de 163 propriedades ainda produziam leite com contagens bacterianas acima de 750.000 UFC/mL, padrão estipulado pela IN62 até 31 de dezembro de 2011 para a região sul do Brasil. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi verificar o impacto de boas práticas de higiene de ordenha na CBT e CCS de propriedades da região de Ivaiporã/PR

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