
The difference in power relations between men and women results in different gender roles social roles and socially appropriate characteristics and behaviors. The general objectives of the review were to review the impact of gender inequality on socio-economic development in Ethiopia. According to Kosher (2005), gender differences in power roles and right affect health fertility control survival and nutrition through women’s access to health care lower control over their bodies and sexuality and restrictions in material and non-material reason. Experiences of rural poverty and vulnerability in Ethiopia are highly gendered. The UNDP standard gender indicators set the scene for any analysis of gendered social risks and vulnerabilities. The presence of rigid socially sanctioned gender roles in rural societies severely constrains women’s choices regarding how they allocate their time among different paid and unpaid productive and household activities giving rise to the incidence of time poverty. Traditions and social norms often prevent women from gaining equitable access to and control of assets. Both women and men were participants of farming and other activities to sustain the life of the family in doing so they should have equal opportunity access to control over resources and benefits among them depending on the roles they perform. Keywords : Gender inequality and socio-economic Development DOI : 10.7176/DCS/9-11-06 Publication date: November 30 th 2019

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