
Background: Hepatic Encephalopathy (HE) is life-threateningcomplication of liver disease occurs with liver failure and may result from theaccumulation of ammonia and other toxic metabolites in the blood. Aim of thestudy: Was to evaluate the impact of educational program for hepaticencephalopathy on nurse's performance and patient's outcomes. Research design: Aquasi-experimental research design will be utilized. Sample: All the availablenurses (40) who are caring for patients with hepatic encephalopathy regardless oftheir age and years of experience. Sample sizes of at least 50 patients with hepaticencephalopathy. The study was conducted at Intensive Care Units at BenhaUniversity Hospital. Tools were obtained through three main tools; StructuredInterview Questionnaire Sheet, Nurse's Observational Checklist for hepaticencephalopathy care and Patient's Outcomes Sheet. Results: There is a highlystatistically significant difference between knowledge and practice of studiedsubjects pre, immediate after implementation and 3 month post implementation ofdesigned hepatic encephalopathy program (P < 0.000**). There was a highlystatistically significant difference between nurse's performance and patientoutcome of designed hepatic encephalopathy program. Recommendation:Educational programs for nurses in ICU should be continuous for improve nurse'slevel.

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