
The impact of the apple rust mite, Aculus schlechtendali (Nalepa), on net CO 2 exchange, transpiration rate, and leaf color of field-grown Jonagold and Golden Delicious apples was investigated. Apple rust mite feeding causes leaf browning. Changes in leaf color were measured to assess the cumulative leaf damage. Significant negative relationships were found between cumulative leaf damage and single-leaf net CO 2 exchange as well as transpiration rate, The same trends were observed on both varieties, but the effect of apple rust mite feeding was more severe on Jonagold than on Golden Delicious. Leaftissue injury was analyzed by cryoscanning electron microscopy and light microscopy. The pictures show that apple rust mites penetrate epidermal cells with their stylets, causing multiple puncture wounds. On heavily infested leaves, apple rust mite feeding causes desiccation of the epidermis and the spongy parenchyma. The resulting malfunction of the stomata and problems in gas exchange within the spongy parenchyma are likely to be the main reason for the reduction of gas exchange.

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