
Introduction: The effective delivery of patient care is a complex venture, often requiring efficient collaboration among varied healthcare professions. Not surprisingly, research continues to indicate collaboration between these diverse professionals can be challenging. Early exposure of health professions students to interprofessional education (IPE) offers a promising way to improve this collaboration and, in turn, improve patient care and service delivery. Objectives: This study examines the impact of an innovative IPE cocurricular event on knowledge, understanding, and attitudes, regarding future healthcare delivery between medical and pharmacy students. Method: Students developed and conducted an IPE cocurricular event involving medical students of a dermatology-interest club, and pharmacy students of a compounding-interest club. Medical students introduced a patient case, delivered in a standardized-patient format. This was followed by a pharmacy student presentation representing compounding the prescriptions needed for the patient case and writing accurate prescriptions. Following both presentations, students from each program were paired. Each interprofessional pair then communicated and compounded two medications for the case, working collaboratively. Pre- and post-questionnaires were designed with rating scales and open-ended questions for data collection. Results: Both parametric and nonparametric tests revealed significant differences between the pretests and posttests. There was no significant difference in responding between the groups. Inspection of the open-ended questions revealed changes in attitudes regarding collaboration and learning. Conclusions: This study found students of both professions reported significant improvements in their level of knowledge, understanding, and interest in interprofessional collaboration. The open-ended questions revealed both groups of students began the event with different expectations regarding cooperation and interprofessional activities but left the session with very similar perspectives. By including similar IPE activities in early healthcare education, medical students will gain an understanding of the knowledge, skills, and services that a compounding pharmacist can offer in personalized patient care, and pharmacy students will acquire clinical reasoning based on patient presentations. Both factors promote collaboration between professions and ultimately show promise in improving outcomes in patient care.

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