
The objective of this study was to determine the immunolocalization of NGF and its receptors (TrkA and p75LNGFR) in the reproductive tract of the Japanese Shiba goats. Five adult goats were used in this study and sections of ovaries, uteri and oviducts were immunostained by the avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex method (ABC). The results showed that NGF and its receptors (TrkA and p75LNGFR) were expressed in granulosa cells, theca cells, interstitial cells and lutein cells in ovaries. Immunoreactions for NGF, TrkA and p75LNGFR were also detectable in epithelial cells and muscle cells of the ampulla and isthmus of the oviduct, and in epithelial cells and uterine glands of the uterus. These results strongly suggest autocrine and paracrine regulation of reproductive function by NGF in the reproductive tract of female Shiba goats.

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