
In an attempt to characterize differentiation in oligodendrogliomas, 39 cases were examined immunohistochemically with 5 neuronal markers, synaptophysin, neuron- specific enolase, neurofilament proteins, protein gene product (PGP) 9.5, and micro tubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2), in addition to glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). Positive immunolabeling was obtained for neuron-specific enolose in 29 cases (74%), synaptophysin in 21 cases (54%), PGP 9.5 in 33 cases (85%), and MAP2 in 23 cases (59%). All cases were negative for neurofilament, and 90% stained for GFAP. Eight cases were further studied ultrastructurally, and in five cases features of neuronal differentiation were identified in some of the typical neoplastic oligodendro cytes—small neuritic cellular processes with microtubules and focal synapse-like junc tions, as well as sparse neurosecretory granules. It was concluded that, both immuno histochemically and ultrastructurally, oligodendrogliomas may exhibit features of neuronal differentiation. These previously unreported features of oligodendrogliomas call into question conventional immunohistochemical and electron microscopic crite ria used in distinguishing oligodendrogliomas from tumors showing similar histologic appearance, especially central neurocytomas and dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tu mors. Int J Surg Pathol 2(1):47-56 1994

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