
To develop a superior chimeric peptide (CP) vaccine of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), two CP antigens (named CP12 and CP22) encoding one or two copies of three linear B cell epitopes from the β-hCG subunit and six foreign T cell epitopes, including two promiscuous TCEs from hepatitis B surface antigen and tetanus toxoid, were constructed and biosynthesized. The hCG CP12 and CP22 of 21 or 23 kDa, respectively, were expressed in Escherichia coli at the level of ∼1% of total cell proteins when inserted into thermo-inducible pBV221 expression vector. The purified CP12 and CP22 proteins with >95% relative homogeneity are immunogenic, and elicited antibodies against the β5, β9 and β8 BCEs of β-hCG in both rabbits and three different inbred strains of mice. A mouse uterine weight study in Balb/c mice demonstrated that the CP12 and CP22 antigens with an additional β5 neutralizing epitope enhanced the in vivo bio-neutralization capacity of the induced antibodies compared to the C-terminal immunogen of β-hCG. We propose that the biosynthesized CP22, possessing with two copies of three BCEs, represents a novel candidate antigen for an hCG contraceptive or tumor therapeutic vaccine.

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