
A rabbit antiserum directed against purified human placental aromatase was used for immunohistochemical localization of the enzyme in rat ovaries. Immunostaining was conducted on tissue from animals at various ages and in different reproductive states: immature; immature, eCG-treated; immature pseudopregnant; adult cycling; and adult pregnant. Various labeling protocols were employed (e.g. horseradish peroxidase-conjugated secondary antibody, peroxidase-antiperoxidase, and avidin-biotin-peroxidase on fresh frozen and Bouin's fixed paraffin-embedded sections), but the avidin-biotin-peroxidase method on paraffin sections proved to be superior to the others. In immature rats, most of the immunostaining, which was quite weak, was limited to the stroma. After stimulation with eCG, some of the granulosa cells of antral follicles exhibited immunostaining; in pseudopregnant rats, most staining occurred in the luteal cells. In mature animals, the corpora lutea of pregnant and cycling rats demonstrated the greatest degree of immunostaining. No significant immunoreactivity was detected in pre-antral follicles, but in early antral follicles and preovulatory follicles, both theca and granulosa cells exhibited immunostaining. Aromatase enzymatic activity was also determined on ovarian microsomal fractions of eCG-treated immature animals, pregnant animals at term, and cycling animals. Furthermore, enzyme activity and estradiol concentrations were examined after ovaries from proestrous rats were dissected into follicular, luteal, and residual components. Activity was found in all regions and correlated with immunostaining and estrogen production. These results argue against a model in which all the immunoreactive/enzymatically active protein is localized in granulosa cells of Graafian follicles and suggest that corpora lutea may be involved in estrogen synthesis during the rat estrous cycle as well as during pregnancy.

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