
The distribution of laminin-like immunoreactivity in adult normal and denervated cat mandibular tooth pulps was studied by the use of fluorescence microscopy and pre-embedding immunogold electron microscopy. Immunoreactivity to collagen IV was also assessed in order to distinguish basement membranes. In normal pulps, light-microscope laminin-like immunoreactivity was strong along blood vessels and Schwann cell sheaths, and a faint immunoreactivity was seen also in the odontoblast layer. Electron microscopy confirmed the laminin-like immunoreactivity of endothelial and Schwann cell basement membranes at all pulpal levels. In the odontoblast layer and the predentine, nerve-like structures lacking basement membranes but possessing strong membrane laminin-like immunoreactivity were encountered. In addition, a clear-cut laminin-like immunoreactivity of plasma membranes of the somata and processes of odontoblasts was seen. Observations on denervated pulps as well as pulps in which nerve regeneration had taken place did not reveal any changes in the pattern of laminin-immunoreactivity in basement membranes or odontoblasts. Distribution of collagen IV-like immunoreactivity was very similar to laminin-like immunoreactivity in basement membranes of blood vessels and Schwann cells, and appeared unaffected by denervation. The odontoblasts and nerve-like profiles in the odontoblast layer were devoid of collagen IV-like immunoreactivity. We propose that odontoblast-associated laminin could be of significance as guidance for regenerating terminal pulpal nerve fibers to appropriate targets.

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