
Oxalate decarboxylase, a bicupin enzyme coordinating two essential manganese ions per subunit, catalyzes the decomposition of oxalate into carbon dioxide and formate in the presence of oxygen. Current efforts to elucidate its catalytic mechanism are focused on EPR studies of the Mn. We report on a new immobilization strategy linking the enzyme's N-terminal His6-tag to a Zn-loaded immobilized metal affinity resin. Activity is lowered somewhat due to the expected crowding effect. High-field EPR spectra of free and immobilized enzyme show that the resin affects the coordination environment of the active site Mn ions only minimally. The immobilized preparation was used to study the effect of varying pH on the same sample. Repeated freeze-thaw cycles lead to break down of the resin beads and some enzyme loss from the sample. However, the EPR signal increases due to higher packing efficiency on the sample column.

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