
Little is known about the long-term efficacy of virtual leadership training for physicians. This study compares two highly similar groups of Obstetricians-Gynecologists' (OB-GYN) 6-month post-program changes in competency and skills after experiencing equity-centered leadership training in a virtual or in-person format. Using a retrospective pre- and post-test method, we collected 6-month post-program data on 14 competencies for knowledge gains and skills use, comparing the virtual cohort (2021, n = 22) to the in-person cohort (2022, n = 33) in 55 total participants. Qualitative data from open-ended feedback questions informed on skills relevancy and professional impact since program participation. Data indicate strong, statistically significant knowledge and skills retention in both cohorts, with 63% of the virtual and 85% of the in-person participants responding. Data indicate participants report the course having a positive impact on their healthcare provision and nearly all report they made changes to their communication and leadership approaches in the 6-months after the program. 59% of the virtual and 55% of the in-person cohorts report new leadership opportunities since their participation and that the course helped prepare them for those roles. Qualitative data support the need for the training, specific elements of the training these physicians found particularly helpful, and that the learning was "sticky", in that it stayed with them in the months post-program. There was a clear stated preference for in-person experiences. Either virtual or in-person leadership training can result in long-term (6-month) significant retention and application of knowledge and skills in physicians. While limited in size, this study suggests that in-person experiences seem to foster more effective bonds and also greater willingness to participate in post-program follow-up. Physicians find equity-centered leadership training to impact their subsequent communication and leadership practices and they report career benefits even in 6-month follow-up.

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