
SUMMARY We image the Hikurangi subduction zone using receiver functions derived from teleseismic earthquakes. Migrated receiver functions show a northwest dipping low shear wave feature down to 60 km depth, which we associate with the crust of the subducted Pacific Plate. Receiver functions (RF) at several stations also show a pair of negative and positive polarity phases with associated conversion depths of ∼20‐26 km, where the subducted Pacific Plate is at a depth of ∼40‐50 km beneath the overlying Australian Plate. RF inversion solutions model these phases with a thin low S-wave velocity zone less than 4 km thick, and an S-wave velocity contrast of more than ∼0.5 km s −1 with the overlying crust. We interpret this phase pair as representing fluids near the base of the lower crust of the Australian Plate, directly overlying the forearc mantle wedge.

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