
It has been demonstrated that images of madness in the media powerfully influence the general public and serve to perpetuate popular stereotypes of mental illness (Philo et al, 1993). While the cinema's treatment of psychiatric issues has received critical attention (Gabard & Gabard, 1987), there is one area of film-making that has, so far, been neglected: the work of Walt Disney. Perhaps, because it has been primarily regarded as entertainment for children, Disney's work has not been subjected to serious examination. This neglect, however, is surprising in view of the current debate about the influence of the media on children. When one also considers that Disney films are now available on video and are being seen by millions, it seems worthwhile to look at the images of madness they present.


  • Disney has himself been the subject of a recent bimioaggreapohfykin(Edllyiot',U1n9cl9e4)W, walht'icahndharespldaecbeudnkiet dwiththea picture of an authoritarian taskmaster who was virulently anti-Semitic and anti-Communist; a troubled man, prone to heavy drinking and bouts ofrfodmeprheisssio'rne,al'wphaorefneltts thaatt hbeirhthad abnedenwsheoparsapteednt much of his adult life trying to find them

  • The viewer realises that Mrs Jumbo is not mad and that she has been unfairly judged by others

  • Mrs Jumbo is freed from her cage and is reunited with her son

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Allan Beveridge

It has been demonstrated that images of madness in the media powerfully influence the general public and serve to perpetuate popular stereo ttyhpeescinoefmma'esntatrleaitlmlneensts (oPfhpilsoycehtiaatlric 19i9s3su).esWhhailse received critical attention (Gabard & Gabard, 1987), there is one area of film-making that has, so far, been neglected: the work of Walt Disney. aPserehnatpesr,taibnemceanutse fiotrhcahsildbreeenn, pDriimsnaeryil'sy wreograkrdheads not been subjected to serious examination. APserehnatpesr,taibnemceanutse fiotrhcahsildbreeenn, pDriimsnaeryil'sy wreograkrdheads not been subjected to serious examination This neglect, is surprising in view of the current debate about the influence of the media on children. Disney has himself been the subject of a recent bimioaggreapohfykin(Edllyiot',U1n9cl9e4)W, walht'icahndharespldaecbeudnkiet dwiththea picture of an authoritarian taskmaster who was virulently anti-Semitic and anti-Communist; a troubled man, prone to heavy drinking and bouts ofrfodmeprheisssio'rne,al'wphaorefneltts thaatt hbeirhthad abnedenwsheoparsapteednt much of his adult life trying to find them. His films hhaavpepybefeanmiilnyterthparettehde ansevpeorrthraaydi.ngWhthilee iDdeisanliesye'ds work has been related to his own troubled psyche, his treatment of the mental problems of his characters has not been examined

The films
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