
Almost due west of Mozambique Island, at a distance of about forty-two miles from the sea, the military road from Mosuril to Nampula crosses the Ampwihi River, an important tributary of the Monapo. During the dry season the stream is reduced to a string of stagnant pools, separated by long reaches of sand and gravel that here and there are interrupted by outcrops of the underlying formations. Throughout the greater part of its course the Ampwihi flows through a region in which gneisses persist with monotonous regularity, the only variation being that due to occasional intrusions of granite and of still later pegmatite dykes. At the point where the military road crosses the narrow channel a welcome diversion is introduced by the presence of a dark compact dyke about 10 feet in thickness. The dyke appears on the right-hand bank and crosses obliquely to the other side, taking a N.N.W.–S.S.E. course across the strike of the older rocks. Upstream, about seventy yards to the south-east, the Ampwihi bends to the south-west, so that it returns towards the dyke, which is again exposed across its sandy floor. The dyke was traced by Mr. E. J. Wayland in July, 1911, for a distance of altogether 200 yards, and was examined by Mr. D. Alex. Wray and later by myself during the same year. It is clearly the latest rock of the district, and is intruded along a line of fault, for in two cases pegmatite dykes seen on the eastern side are broken across and reappear on the western side with a well-marked northerly displacement.

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