
To report the history, clinical findings, and outcome of horses with idiopathic focal eosinophilic enteritis associated with acute small intestinal obstruction. Retrospective study. Six horses with idiopathic focal eosinophilic enteritis. Retrospective review of medical records of horses with idiopathic focal eosinophilic enteritis, with acute abdominal pain and small intestinal obstruction, associated with a focal region of eosinophilic enteritis of unknown cause. Information retrieved from the medical records included signalment, physical examination, laboratory findings, surgical procedure, histologic diagnosis, and postoperative management. Outcome was determined by telephone communication with owners. Six horses met the selection criteria. Horses had persistent pain, distended small intestine, and nasogastric reflux. Idiopathic focal eosinophilic enteritis lesions associated with a small intestinal obstruction were treated surgically by intestinal resection and anastomosis or wedge resection. There were no observed complications associated with extension of the disease from the lesion site. Five horses were alive at follow-up 5 to 60 months after surgery. Although the cause of these focal eosinophilic enteritis lesions is unknown, the long-term outcome after lesion resection was favorable. Small intestinal obstruction associated with a focal eosinophilic enteritis lesion may be a cause of acute abdominal pain in horses. Horses apparently have a good prognosis after lesion resection.

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