
REPORT OF CASE M. L., female, aged 4, was admitted to Lebanon Hospital Nov. 4, 1921. Family History .—Parents apparently healthy; no history of tuberculosis or syphilis; no members of the family have had any diseases of the blood or the blood forming organs. Patient has one sister who is healthy. Personal History .—Full term, normal delivery; breast fed; normal physical and mental development during infancy. Measles at 2 years of age, no complications. Present Illness .—During the past two weeks she has had fever, has become more and more pale and weak; complained of pain in the abdomen. Physical Examination .—Child apathetic; marked grayish white pallor; puffiness of the face, especially the eyelids; all the mucous membranes are very pale. Sciera bluish, not yellowish. No distinct enlargement of the lymph nodes. Heart: No murmur, no marked enlargement; regular but rapid (130). Lungs: Negative. Abdomen: Negative; liver and spleen not

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