
Several Fusarium species have been found associated with millet and sorghum in Nigeria, Lesotho and Zimbabwe. Amongst these, some isolates were originally identified as short- and long-chained types of F. nygamai. However, there was some question as to the correct identification of the long chained types. This study reclassified some of the isolates with long microconidial chains as F. moniliforme. Morphologically, these strains do not produce chlamydospores like F. nygamai, but produce swollen hyphal cells or resistant hyphae. The isolates in this study were crossed with the mating-type tester strains of Gibberella fujikuroi (F. moniliforme and G. nygamai (F. nygamai). Of the isolates with long chains of microconidia and other characteristics of F. moniliforme, 36% crossed with mating population "A" of G. fujikuroi. Of the isolates with characteristics of F. nygamai, 65% crossed with the testers used to produce the teleomorph of F. nygamai. Mating tests support the separation of the sample population into F. moniliforme and F. nygamai. The results of this study show that genetics can be an aid in resolving some problems in fungal taxonomy.

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