
Milk is produced by the mammary gland of mammals to feed their young ones. Milk is an important nutrient-rich beverage that benefits our health. This article aims to study the effect of Asparagus racemosus root powder on milk yield and milk composition. The experiment was performed to determine the milk yield and milk protein, fat, total milk solid, and milk acidity after using Asparagus racemosus as a food supplement. The animals were selected based on purposive sampling to select lactate buffalo to avoid or reduced the error. During the experiment, animals fed in three phases; control, treatment, and the residual phase. In control phase animal diet normal ration, whereas in the treatment phase, a buffalo was diet 120 gram of Asparagus racemosus root powder in addition to its normal diet per buffalo per day. While in the residual phase, the animal was diet only normal ration. Each phase has been 5 days. The Milk collected from lactating buffalo in three phases; control, treatment, and the residual period. Each period has been five day. We also measured milk yield per day per buffalo. About 50 ml of milk was collected from each five buffalo every morning for 15 days. The data was analyzed through one way ANOVA and T-test using the procedure of statistical software. The result indicates that the diet was statistically significant effecting on milk yield at 5% (0.0196), protein at 1% (0.0113) and fat at 1% (0.0007) while the insignificant effect on milk acidity p >30 (0.3909) and total solid p >80 (0.8904). Therefore, feeding Asparagus racemosus, positively affects milk yield and milk protein and milk fat content.

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