
Bukit Tiga Puluh National Park is one of the national parks in Indonesia used as a conservation area for the sumatran tiger. The existence of the sumatran tiger is not separate from the ability of forest areas to provide habitat components, such as sources of food, water, and shelter. This research aimed to identify the animal species and abundance of sumatran tiger prey species at Talang Lakat Resort, Bukit Tiga Puluh National Park. Data collected by camera trap as primary data and secondary data collected at the Bukit Tiga puluh National Park Hall. The data were analyzed using the formula of species abundance and encounter rate. Based on the data results, there are five types of sumatran tiger prey recorded by camera traps in 2020, such as Helarctos malayanus, Macaca nemestrina, Argusiana argus, Hystrix Brachyura, and Muntiacus muntjak. The prey species with the highest species abundance and RAI values ​​in 2020 were Macaca nemestrina with a species abundance value of 40% and RAI 14 photos/day, while the lowest species abundance values ​​were Helarctos malayanus with a value of 7% and RAI 5 photos/day.

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