
The purpose of this study was to determine the contents (antioxidant, vitamin C, and crude fiber) contained in local and imported fruits which are the commodities of orange, apple, and mango. Benefits expected from this research are providing information to the society about the benefits of fruit contents (antioxidant, vitamin C, and crude fiber) in local and imported fruits (Orange, apple, and mango) and informing that there are differences in contents (antioxidant, vitamin C, and crude fiber) of the three commodities. The research used purposive sampling method which has been done by several step, they were Market Survey (supermarket/hypermarket) in Bandung City, Determination the number of samples, Sampling, Sample Preparation, and Sample testing. Responses in this research were chemical responses which include antioxidant activity by DPPH method, Vitamin C content by iodometric titration method, and crude fiber content by gravimetric method. The result of content identification (antioxidant, vitamin C, and crude fiber) on local and imported fruits (orange, apple, and mango) from supermarket / hypermarket in Bandung city found that the local fruits have different nutritional quality compared to the imported fruits. This is influenced by the longer time needed for distribution and storage on the imported fruits compared to the local fruits that tend to be faster in mobility.


  • imported fruits which are the commodities of orange, apple

  • Benefits expected from this research are providing information

  • sampling method which has been done by several step

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Iklim tropis telah menjadikan Indonesia sebagai sumber bagi ketersediaan berbagai jenis produk holtikultura terutama buah segar. Dirjen Hortikultura Kementerian Pertanian (2010) menyatakan bahwa tingkat konsumsi sayur dan buah masyarakat Indonesia saat ini masih rendah. Standar konsumsi yang direkomendasikan oleh Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) yaitu 73 kilogram per kapita per tahun sedangkan di Indonesia saat ini tingkat konsumsi sayur dan buah hanya 40 kilogram per kapita per tahun. Badan Karantina Pertanian menyebutkan bahwa volume jeruk impor pada Januari-April 2011 sudah mencapai 50 persen dari total impor sepanjang 2010. Sampai saat ini Indonesia termasuk negara pengimpor jeruk terbesar kedua di ASEAN setelah Malaysia, dengan volume impor khususnya untuk jenis keprok atau mandarin, selama kurun waktu 2005 - 2010 mencapai 550.809 ton atau sekitar 91.802 ton per tahun dengan nilai mencapai US $ 650.128.774 (BPS, 2011). Mangga-mangga impor masuk ke Indonesia lantaran memberikan sesuatu yang sulit terpenuhi oleh mangga lokal, yakni rasa, kualitas, dan jaminan kontinuitas. Salah satu bentuk senyawa oksigen reaktif adalah radikal bebas, senyawa ini terbentuk di dalam tubuh dan dipicu oleh bermacam-macam faktor (Winarsi, 2007)

Metode Penelitian
Survey Pasar
Pengujian Sampel Pengujian sampel meliputi
Hasil dan Pembahasan
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