
The Asian wild mouse species Mus caroli harbors an endogenous retrovirus (McERV) that is closely related to but distinct from the endogenous retrovirus family defined by the Mus dunni endogenous virus and the Mus musculus endogenous retrovirus. McERV could infect some cell types from humans, dogs, and rats, but not all, and did not infect any mouse cell line tested. Because of its interesting host range and proposed ancestral relationship to primate retroviruses and because none of the entry receptors for this family of retroviruses had been identified, we began a search for the McERV receptor. We determined the chromosomal location of the receptor gene in the human genome by phenotypic screening of the G3 human-hamster radiation hybrid cell line panel and confirmed the localization by assaying for receptor activity conferred by bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones spanning the region. We next localized the gene more precisely in one positive BAC by assaying for receptor activity following BAC digestion with several restriction enzymes that cleaved different sets of genes, and we confirmed that the final candidate gene, plasmolipin (PLLP; TM4SF11), is the novel receptor by showing that the expression of the human PLLP cDNA renders hamster and mouse cells susceptible to McERV infection. PLLP functions as a voltage-dependent potassium ion channel and is expressed primarily in kidney and brain, helping to explain the limited range of cell types that McERV can infect. Interestingly, mouse PLLP also functioned well as a receptor for McERV but was simply not expressed in the mouse cell types that we originally tested.

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