
Analysis of the steady-state response of a polyurethane foam and masssystem to harmonic excitation is presented. The foam's uni-directionaldynamic behavior is modeled by using nonlinear stiffness, linearviscoelastic and velocity proportional damping components. Therelaxation kernel for the viscoelastic model is assumed to be a sum ofexponentials. The harmonic balance method is used to develop one- andtwo-term approximations to periodic solutions, and the equationsdeveloped are utilized for system identification. The identificationprocess is based on least-squares minimization of a sub-optimal costfunction that uses response data at various excitation frequencies andamplitudes. The effects of frequency range, spacing and amplitudes ofthe harmonic input on the results of the model parameter estimation arediscussed. The identification procedure is applied to measurements ofthe steady-state response of a base-excited foam-mass system. Estimatesof the system parameters at different levels of compression and inputamplitudes are thus determined. The choice of model-order and thefeasibility of describing the system behavior at several inputamplitudes with a single set of parameters are also addressed.

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