
Upward Curly Leaf 1 (UCL1) is an Arabidopsis thaliana E3 ligase that targets the Curly Leaf (CLF) SET-domain polycomb-group (PcG) protein for degradation via the ubiquitin-26S proteasome system. UCL1 is a paternally-expressed imprinted gene in the endosperm. To precisely locate the promoter elements required for UCL1 imprinting pattern, various gene constructs were created in which the imprinting control region (ICR), endosperm-specific expression (ENSE) element, and/or the linker sequence were altered. By fusing these constructs with a GUS reporter gene, GUS expression patterns were monitored after reciprocal crosses with wild-type Columbia-0 allowing the determination of parent-of-origin expression. Analysis of publicly-available data on the UCL1 promoter region facilitated the search for allele-specific DNA and H3K27 methylation patterns. Overall, three promoter elements are required for maternal repression of UCL1; the ICR sequence located from − 2.5 to − 2.4 kb upstream of the translation start site, a differentially methylated region 2 (DMR2) that overlaps the short ATLINE1-1 transposable element in the linker region, and a minimal 271 bp ENSE element. In addition, DNA methylation patterns in the DMR2 contribute to the repression of the maternal UCL1 allele. Our findings would help to understand how parent-of-origin epigenetic patterns are created and maintained in the endosperm.

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