
The chromatographical characteristics of 1,5-anhydroglucitol in thin-layer chromatograms can be studied using the customary carbohydrate solvents. Both hydrogen peroxide and sodium metaperiodate oxidation reactions were tested in order to find a specific colour reaction for the detection of the compound. 1,5-anhydroglucitol was readily converted by periodate into an intermediate product which produced an intense orange-red colour with diphenylamine aniline reagent. According to data obtained from periodate oxidation, IR spectroscopy and mass fragmentography, the intermediate product was a dialdehyde compound with a C6 structure, possibly formed through cleavage at C2-C3. The formation of a compound of this kind without chain cleavage in the periodate oxidation of C6 carbohydrates is uncommon. Periodate oxidation followed by diphenylamine-aniline reaction affords a sensitive and specific method for the detection of 1,5-anhydroglucitol.

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