
A novel y-type high-molecular-weight glutenin subunit possessing a slightly faster mobility than that of subunit 1Dy12 in SDS-PAGE, designated 1Dy12.1(t) in Aegilops tauschi, was identified by one- and two-dimensional gel and capillary electrophoresis. Its coding gene at the Glu-D(t) 1 locus was amplified with allele-specific-PCR primers, and the amplified products were cloned and sequenced. The complete nucleotide sequence of 2,807 bp containing an open reading frame of 1,950 bp and 857 bp of upstream sequence was obtained. A perfectly conserved enhancer sequence and the -300 element were present at positions of 209-246 bp and 424-447 bp upstream of the ATG start codon, respectively. The deduced mature protein of 1 Dy12.1(t) subunit comprised 648 amino acid residues and had a Mr of 67,518 Da, which is slightly smaller than the 1Dy12 (68,695 Da) but larger than the 1Dy10 (67,495 Da) subunits of bread wheat, respectively, and corresponds well with their relative mobilities when separated by acid-PAGE. The deduced amino acid sequence indicated that the 1Dy12.1(t) subunit displayed a greater similarity to the 1Dy10 subunit, with only seven amino acid substitutions, suggesting that this novel gene could have positive effect on bread-making quality. A phenetic tree produced by nucleotide sequences showed that the x- and y-type subunit genes were respectively clustered together and that the Glu-D(t) 1y12.1 gene of Ae. tauschii is closely related to other y-type subunit genes from the B and D genomes of hexaploid bread wheat.

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