Some endophytic fungi species live in medicinal plant tissue and does not make any damage, but live in symbiotic mutualism relationship with the host plant. This research was done to: 1) identify the endophytic fungi species isolated from P. angulata leaf, twig, and stem bark tissues, 2) determine the endophytic fungi colonization in the P. angulata plant tissue by histologic observation. The endophytic fungi was isolated from healthy P. angulata plant parts, then inoculated on Potato Dextrose Agar medium and incubated in 27°C for 7-14 days. Each endophytic fungi isolates were identified. The histologic observation was done by microscopic observation to determine the endophytic fungi position in the plant tissue. The conclusion are: 1) seven endophytic fungi species were found: Penicillium verrucosum, Colletotrichum alienum, Fusarium subglutinans, Aspergillus nidulans, Mycelia sterilia 1, Mycelia sterilia 2, and Rhizoctonia sp.; 2) the endophytic fungi micelium was found on the leaf epidermis cell wall, on the twig epidermis cell wall, and parenchyma cell wall, on the stem bark epidermis cell wall. The suggestion of the study: it is need to make the next research about secondary metabolites content produced by endophytic fungi species isolated from P. angulata and their antimicrobial activity.
MethodsMaterial Physalis angulata plant parts: bark, twig, and leaf
The suggestion of the study: it is need to make the research about secondary metabolites content produced by endophytic fungi species isolated from P. angulata and their antimicrobial activity
It is need to make the research about secondary metabolites content produced by endophytic fungi species isolated from P. angulata and their antimicrobial activity
Material Physalis angulata plant parts: bark, twig, and leaf. Preparation of P. angulata Leaf, Twig, and Bark for Endophytic Fungi Position on the P. angulata Plant Tissue for Microscopic Observation. The bark, twig, and leaf of P. angulata were rinse with sterile destilled water, slice in paradermal, transversal, and longitudinal section and made some microscopic slides. The endophytic fungi in the P. angulata plant tissue position were observed by microscopic histological observation. P. angulata bark, twig, and leaf were washed and soaked in 1% NaOCl during 1 min., washed with sterilized water. Afterwards each samples were inoculated on PDA plate medium contains chloramphenicol (100 mg/l) and incubated in 27°C during 7-14 days for endophytic fungi isolation. The identification books are: Pictorial Atlas of Soil and Seed FungiMorphologies of Cultured Fungi and Key to Species by: Tsuneo Watanabe 2002.
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