
ABSTRACTLong non-coding RNAs have emerged as an important regulatory layer in biological systems. Of the various types of lncRNAs, one class (designated as divergent RNAs/XH), which is in head-to-head overlap with the coding genes, has emerged as a critical biotype that regulates development and cellular differentiation. This work aimed to analyze previously published data on differential expression, epigenetic and network analysis in order to demonstrate the association of divergent lncRNAs, a specific biotype with the differentiation of human neural progenitor cells (hNPCs). We have analyzed various available RNAseq databases that address the neuronal and astrocytic differentiation of hNPCs and identified differentially expressed lncRNAs (DELs) during cell-fate determination. Key DELs identified from the databases were experimentally verified by us in our in-vitro hNPC differentiation system. We also analyzed the change in promoter activity using ChIP-seq datasets of the histone markers H3K4me3 (activation) and H3K27me3 (inactivation) of these DELs. Additionally, we explored the change in the euchromatinization state of DELs (by analyzing DNase-seq data) during lineage-specific differentiation of hNPCs and performed their network analysis. We were able to identify differences between neuronal and astrocytic differentiation of hNPCs at the level of divergent DELs epigenetic markers, DNAase hypersensitive sites and gene expression network. Divergent lncRNAs are more involved in neuronal rather than astrocytic differentiation, while the sense downstream lncRNA biotype appears to be more involved in astrocytic differentiation. By studying the lncRNA involvement of distinct biotypes, we have been able to indicate the preferential role of a particular biotype during lineage-specific differentiation.

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