
Age of first breeding is an important life history trait. Many Pipine Plovers (Charadrius melodus) do not breed as yearlings, but little information is available concerning the age of first breeding. From 2000 to 2006, we marked 991 chicks in three areas in Saskatchewan, Canada, and subsequently determined when 102 (49 females and 53 males) first bred. Females bred significantly earlier, on average, than males. More females (68%) bred as yearlings than did males (41%; P = 0.04), with most others first nesting when 2-yr old (29% of females and 50% of males). As expected from differences between the sexes in age of first breeding, younger females were more likely to pair with older males than were younger males with older females. Chicks that hatched early in the breeding season did not breed at an earlier age than those that hatched late in the year. Unlike older birds, juvenile Piping Plovers do not replace flight feathers during their first winter. As a result, 18 of 27 yearlings (67%) had worn outer primaries, whereas only one of 123 (1%) older birds had worn primaries. In addition, whereas 20 of 24 yearlings (83%) retained a few buff-tipped median coverts, none of 1 19 known older birds had such coverts. As a result, we were able to identify all yearlings by their worn primaries, buff-tipped median wing coverts, or both. Wing lengths of yearling Piping Plovers were 3% shorter than those of older birds, presumably due to wear. Because there is no evidence of differences in adult survival rates between the sexes and breeding habitat is available, we speculate that fewer yearling males than females breed because primary wear may reduce the ability of yearling males to perform aerial breeding displays.

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