
Background: Bamboo leaves (Bambusa vulgaris Schrad ex.J.C) are plants that are known to have pharmacological activity, one of which is to have antibacterial activity. Diabetic Foot Ulcers (DFU) is one chronic complication of diabetes mellitus. DFU is open sores on the surface of the skin that can be accompanied by local tissue death. Infection that is not appropriately treated in patients can cause amputation. Improper use of antibiotics can cause resistance events. A resistance that occurs in Proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Escherichia coli in isolates from DFU patients encourages researchers to look for alternative antibiotics from natural resources. Objective: Determine the profile of secondary metabolites by thin-layer chromatography, foam index, total phenols, total flavonoids and the antibacterial activity of bamboo (B. vulgaris) through the antibacterial with clear zone value of bamboo leaf ethanol extract against bacteria E. coli, P. aeruginosa, and P. mirabilis. Method: Phenol, flavonoid, and triterpenoid test using TLC method. Saponin tests were carried out using foam index, fish index, and hemolytic index test methods. Total flavonoid testing using Chang method and total phenol method using the Follin Ciocalteau reagent then proceed using a spectrophotometer. Test the antibacterial activity using the agar diffusion method. Results: Chromatographic profile, phenol, flavonoid, and triterpenoid compounds were obtained; saponin index obtained foam index of 333; fish index of 200; and the hemolytic index of 1,111. The total phenol test was 16.052 ± 3.12 % and the total flavonoid was 2.42 ± 0.44 %. Antibacterial activity test obtained MIC values of 60 mg/ml for E. coli bacteria; 100 mg/ml for the bacterium P. aeruginosa; and 30 mg/ml of P. mirabilis. Conclusion: The content of secondary metabolites found in the ethanol extract of bamboo leaves were flavonoid, phenol, saponin and triterpenoids. Ethanol extract of bamboo leaves has a the potential to produce antibacterial activity against gram-negative pathogenic bacteria isolated from diabetic wound patients Keywords: Bambusa vulgaris Schrad ex.J.C, total phenol, total flavonoid, MIC

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